Unredacted Word: publisher of words, code & data. Our new edition of The Society of the Spectacle is out now đŸ’„.

█ Unredacted Word: publisher of words, code & data.

The Society of the Spectacle

Name The Society of the Spectacle
SKU UW010601
Type Book (Paperback)
URL /catalog/uw010601-spectacle

The US trade paperback edition of our new translation of Debord's The Society of the Spectacle.

Debord describes and critiques the way we live. The power in these ideas lies in their ability to question, identify, and name the common assumptions of the present. Developing the concept of The Spectacle, he describes the “gaze” of contemporary society. From its publication just before, and ultimately influencing the May 1968 revolt in Paris and Occupy Wall Street, this book continues to transform a wide range of progressive philosophical and political movements, most notably anti-capitalism, postmodernism, marxism, and anarchism.

This new translation brings a concrete edge to the text, elaborating upon the original, and adding annotations. Bringing fifty years of prominent radical thinking back to the text, from Baudrillard to Odell to Zuboff—it’s clear that Debord’s book is more relevant in the era of social media, the attention economy, and the emergence of Surveillance Capitalism than ever before.

A new revised English edition by Ron. Adams.

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Date Added November 15, 2023
Image Cover of The Society of the Spectacle

The Society of the Spectacle

Name The Society of the Spectacle
SKU UW010102
Type Book (Hardcover)
URL /catalog/uw010102-spectacle

A linen bound hardcover second edition of our new translation of Debord's The Society of the Spectacle.

Debord describes and critiques the way we live. The power in these ideas lies in their ability to question, identify, and name the common assumptions of the present. Developing the concept of The Spectacle, he describes the “gaze” of contemporary society. From its publication just before, and ultimately influencing the May 1968 revolt in Paris and Occupy Wall Street, this book continues to transform a wide range of progressive philosophical and political movements, most notably anti-capitalism, postmodernism, marxism, and anarchism.

This new translation brings a concrete edge to the text, elaborating upon the original, and adding annotations. Bringing fifty years of prominent radical thinking back to the text, from Baudrillard to Odell to Zuboff—it’s clear that Debord’s book is more relevant in the era of social media, the attention economy, and the emergence of Surveillance Capitalism than ever before.

A new revised English edition by Ron. Adams.

Look Inside

Date Added September 22, 2022
Image Cover of The Society of the Spectacle

The Society of the Spectacle

Name The Society of the Spectacle
SKU UW010301
Type eBook (Website)
URL /catalog/uw010301-spectacle

A web edition of our new translation of Debord's The Society of the Spectacle.

Debord describes and critiques the way we live. The power in these ideas lies in their ability to question, identify, and name the common assumptions of the present. Developing the concept of The Spectacle, he describes the “gaze” of contemporary society. From its publication just before, and ultimately influencing the May 1968 revolt in Paris and Occupy Wall Street, this book continues to transform a wide range of progressive philosophical and political movements, most notably anti-capitalism, postmodernism, marxism, and anarchism.

This new translation brings a concrete edge to the text, elaborating upon the original, and adding annotations. Bringing fifty years of prominent radical thinking back to the text, from Baudrillard to Odell to Zuboff—it’s clear that Debord’s book is more relevant in the era of social media, the attention economy, and the emergence of Surveillance Capitalism than ever before.

A new revised English edition by Ron. Adams.


Date Added March 27, 2021
Image Cover of The Society of the Spectacle

The Society of the Spectacle

Name The Society of the Spectacle
SKU UW010501
Type eBook (ePub)
URL /catalog/uw010501-spectacle

eBook edition of our new translation of Debord's The Society of the Spectacle.

Debord describes and critiques the way we live. The power in these ideas lies in their ability to question, identify, and name the common assumptions of the present. Developing the concept of The Spectacle, he describes the “gaze” of contemporary society. From its publication just before, and ultimately influencing the May 1968 revolt in Paris and Occupy Wall Street, this book continues to transform a wide range of progressive philosophical and political movements, most notably anti-capitalism, postmodernism, marxism, and anarchism.

This new translation brings a concrete edge to the text, elaborating upon the original, and adding annotations. Bringing fifty years of prominent radical thinking back to the text, from Baudrillard to Odell to Zuboff—it’s clear that Debord’s book is more relevant in the era of social media, the attention economy, and the emergence of Surveillance Capitalism than ever before.

A new revised English edition by Ron. Adams.

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Date Added April 14, 2021
Image Cover of The Society of the Spectacle on Kindle

Logo Sticker

Name Logo Sticker
SKU UW000000
Type Sticker
URL /catalog/uw000000-logo-sticker
Description Unredacted Word logo, die cut stickers. Collect emʌ, trade emʌ with your friends, put them in mysterious places.
Date Added November 26, 2019
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